Thursday, August 5, 2010

Best wax for facial removal - Hot hard wax or strip wax??

Can anyone tell me which is the best wax for facial hair removal, hot hard wax or strip wax....and does any of these products make your hair grow back less and finer?.

Also what kind of powder do you suggest to use before applying the wax, is baby powder alright to use?Best wax for facial removal - Hot hard wax or strip wax??
Consider Laser surgery for permanent hair removal, waxing can also lead to faster growth.Best wax for facial removal - Hot hard wax or strip wax??
For facial hair, I'd recommend wax strips; even though it's a little bit harder to get all of the hair, the plus is that there's no possibility of burning yourself. Hot wax is very easy to burn yourself with, as most of us test the heat with our fingers, which are often much less sensitive to temperatures than the area we're applying the wax to. And a big burn scar on your face is probably the last thing that you want.

In terms of the growth rate, I'd say that there's not a huge difference. It's more dependant on if it's done right or not than on which product you use. At least, this is my experience.

Also, I always use baby powder or talc powder, and it works just fine; just remember that you dont want to cake it on. It doesn't take much.
Hot wax is the stuff you buy in a container and you put it in the heater right?...I use that stuff, and it works perfect, and lasts quite a long time(But it is expensive, with getting the heater, strips, Popsicle sticks, Wax remover.)....No, Nothing(waxing, shaving,,) has nothing to do with hair growth...and you don't really need to use powder, But sure, Baby powder is fine,
hot wax, its hurts less for some reason!!1 and yeh baby powder! hair grows back finner and slower!!! and aparently if u wax all the time one day or eventually the hair doesnt grow back but that what i been told and thats years and years after waxing!!! i cant wax myslef as i cant get the gets to pull of the wax, whereas if i go to a salon, there gonna rip it off either way

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