Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I got burned from a facial wax. How do I prevent scaring?

I gave myself a facial wax yesterday. Which i have done before and this never occurred.

It started hurting more than usual and realized that i probably pulled a layer or two of skin off on my upper lip.

I ran it under cold water and it turned pretty dry. I've been putting Neosporin *original* all day yesterday and the burn turned brown/reddish. Also, I've been applying the inside of the Aloe Vera plant to my burn.

This morning when I was putting some Neosporin on it and the brown/reddish skin of the burned started to peel off and i guess a little bit of liquid came out of it because i've been moisturizing it with Neosporin. It didn't come off completely though. Its pinkish now as to where the skin has peeled. Will it scar?

I think its either a first or second degree burn. I'm not sure. Can someone tell me?

How do I prevent myself from scarring and how long will it take to heal?

Please answer all of my questions =].I got burned from a facial wax. How do I prevent scaring?
Your face would not have any scars. It may have some pigmentation (color - pink first and darker later). Even the color would fade in a few weeks. Keep using the neosporine and aloe. Keep away from sunlight.

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