Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Waxing my facial hair?


what are the side affects of waxing?Waxing my facial hair?
I get my brows, chin and upper lip done - I have never had ingrown hairs, but you do get the plucked chicken look for a few days at first, at least I do. I always get it done on a Friday afternoon so I don't look like a freak at the office the next day. Some people don't have this effect at all, but your hair is dark like mine, so you might. I find that waxing lasts about 6 weeks, with a bit of plucking to clean up the odd hair or two in between.

Some people say that the hair grows in darker and thicker, but I have not found this to be the case for me at all.

good luck!Waxing my facial hair?
There aren't really any side effects. It'll be a bit sore getting it done and will stay red for a while but apart from that you'll be fine. You should probably get a patch test first to make sure you're not sensetive to any of the ingredients, as for ingrown hairs you probably won't get any, just exfoliate regularly. There are creams etc for ingrown hairs if you are worried, ask your beautician to recommend a good brand.
My friend got this done. I don't think there's many dangerous side affects, but it is best to get it done in a good salon, and make sure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients.
there arent that many so called side affects but if u have sensitive skin it might just hurt and u might turn red thats basically it but if u keep doing it it wont hurt affter a while
  • covergirl
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