Wax it. Your hair will not grow thicker and darker, however it will all grow back at the same time, so it will look thicker. So, you will have to keep waxing it.
Over time waxing damages the hair follicules, so many hairs will stop growing - so over time, waxing will help thin your hairs.
Go for it!I'm a girl with a lot of facial hair, can I wax it? (Gross, I know!)?
If it's blonde, I wouldn't worry about it too much. You are probably the only person that notices it and if you wax once you'll have to continue to do it.
if it's blonde and you can't see it, i'd suggest leaving it. if you wax, it WON'T grow back darker and thicker. but it may be a bit stubbly when growing back! and also, waxing on your delicate facial skin is going to be bad for your skin, in my opinion. good luck!
i really love this blond facial hairs ! I'm really serious ! don't think about waxing them ! their attractive for some guy !
gross? whats gross? waxing or facial hair? ok so let me tell u somin - EVERYONE has hair- they cant deny it- some more then others- waxing is one of the more common ways to rid facial hair for awhile of course you will have to repeat when it starts to grow out again and thats a total myth about it growing back thicker. its just like getting your eyebrows done- I've been getting mine done for quite some time and they never grew back thicker or darker.
No, if you wax it wont get darker and thicker but it will grow back and it is sooo bad for your skin!! Dont do that...
There is some cream you can get at the drug store, and if you put it on the hairy bits everyday..it eventually thinens the hair...its realli for your legs but im sure it would be ok on your face? its only cream... if you cant find it then just ask for some hair minimizing cream
or, you could always cream the hair off with hair removal cream for sensetive skin, but don't wax...
Yes, you can have it waxed off. It won't grow back any thicker or darker once you start doing it, that is an old wives tale. I would suggest you go to have to done professionally since you could hurt yourself if you do it incorrectly. Good Luck!
Hi Hon, I'm blonde too and no, waxing does NOT darken the hair. Waxing makes the hair feel softer when it grows back in too. You can try the Sally Hansen kit for face, brows %26amp; lip.
Follow instructions carefully, and only do a tiny spot at first to see how well you handle it. Some people find it painful (this kit includes some numbing cream that feels wonderful!) but it is less painful (in my opinion) than tweezing! It also lasts longer. :)
Miss Jennie nailed it, dang I'm slow to reply today...
as sad as it may sound some girls shave their face
yes you can,be carefull to follow instructions, plucking or pulling (waxing)hair can damage the hair folicle and over time hair may not grow back as much
Blonde hair actually doesn't even work that well with Laser Hair Removal so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Hair growing darker and thicker with any hair removal method is an old wive's tale. Period. What happens is new hair is a little darker and little coarser, but once light touches it, it will lighten and soften to your hair's regular constancy.
So, don't worry about it and get it waxed.
For more hair removal tips there's a good website called www.hairremovalforum.com you should check out. They can tell you about every kind of hair removal.
shaving will make it prickly....
waxing is okay, but it is a big possibility that it will grow it darker. Not black, but at least light brown.
I would say start saving a little each week for laser hair removal (it's really not as expensive as you might think, upper lip can be around $200).
You can always use nair too! But be careful not to leave it on too long, as it might burn your face.
Good luck!
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